
Terms & Condition

Terms & Conditions

ABXTA, with a registered office at Don Cristian Street, building #2, Malaga Plaza, Malaga 29007, Spain, makes certain informative content about its activities available on its website, WEB ABXTA.

These general conditions govern solely and exclusively the use of the ABXTA website by the USERS who access it. These general conditions are shown to the USER on the www.abxta.es on every one of the pages and every time a USER enters their data in the existing forms so that they can read, print, file, and accept them through the Internet, without the USER being able to enter their data without such acceptance effectively has taken place.

Access to the ABXTA website implies the unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of use, which the USER declares to have understood in their entirety. The USER undertakes not to use the website and the services offered therein to carry out activities contrary to the law and to respect these general conditions at all times.

FIRST - Conditions of Access and Use

The use of the ABXTA website does not require the USER to register, except if the USER wishes to use the database of articles on rodanet.com, in which it will be necessary to register by filling in a basic form, this subscription being governed by the specific general conditions. This website's access and use conditions are strictly governed by law. The USER undertakes to make good use of the website by current legislation and the principle of good faith. All acts that violate the law, rights, or interests of third parties are prohibited: right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property, etc. ABXTA expressly prohibits the following:

  • - Carry out actions that may cause any damage to ABXTA's systems or third parties on or through the website by any means.
  • 1.1.2. - Carrying out without due authorization any advertising or commercial information directly or covertly, sending mass mailings ("spamming") or sending large messages with the purpose of blocking network servers ("mail bombing").

ABXTA may interrupt access to its website at any time if it detects a use contrary to the law, good faith, or these general conditions – see clause five.

SECOND - Contents

The contents incorporated into this website have been prepared and included by ABXTA using internal and external sources, so it is responsible only for internally produced content. ABXTA reserves the right to modify the contents of its website at any time.

THIRD - Copyright and Trademark

ABXTA informs you that the website www.abxta.es has its content, programming, and design of the website and expressly prohibits the reproduction, communication, distribution, and transformation of the aforementioned protected elements without the express consent of ABXTA.

ABXTA uses external sources to prepare its content on certain occasions and establishes links or hyperlinks to articles or information from third parties, always citing the source. The legitimate owner of the copyright of this information may request the removal of such references at any time.

FOURTH - Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. The Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona are competent to resolve any controversy or conflict arising from them, and the USER expressly waives any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

FIFTH - Final Provisions

If any clause of this document is declared null and void, the rest of the clauses will remain in force and be interpreted considering the will of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. ABXTA may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document, which in no case will imply waiving such rights and powers unless expressly recognized by ABXTA .